Logos: 1. (often initial capital letter) Philosophy. the rational principle that governs and develops the universe. 2. Theology. the divine word or reason incarnate in Jesus Christ. John 1:1–14.
1. In pre-Socratic philosophy, the principle governing the cosmos, the source of this principle, or human reasoning about the cosmos.
2. Among the Sophists, the topics of rational argument or the arguments themselves.
3. In Stoicism, the active, material, rational principle of the cosmos; nous.
Identified with God, it is the source of all activity and generation and is the power of reason residing in the human soul.
1. In biblical Judaism, the word of God, which itself has creative power and is God's medium of communication with the human race.
2. In Hellenistic Judaism, a hypostasis associated with divine wisdom.
Christianity. In Saint John's Gospel, especially in the prologue (1:1-14), the creative word of God, which is itself God and incarnate in Jesus. Also called Word.
It is one of the great ironies, in these times of rancor between the spheres of the sacrosanct and the secular, that the two philosophies are united by a single word, logos. That one word is claimed for the core truths of the two Universes, the one created by God and the other where it is a happy accident of the forces of gravity and mass.* Both sides hold their truths to be self-evident, because the evidence is bound by belief, bound by Faith. Scientists say that black-holes exist because the math works out in the equations. Religious leaders point to their written texts, like the eye-witness testimonies of the Apostles in the Bible to the Divinity of Christ. The truth is that there is no Truth, so much as there is Belief. There is Faith. In black-holes and in God. But the other side requires proof, even if those proofs are then disputed. It comes down to Faith in the absence of hard evidence. In the equations and in The Word. They can't both be true.
Can they?
Even if you can't have one without the other.
If not, what are the Heavens for?
"The eternal mystery of the world is its comprehensibility."
In the cult of personality of Science, the name of Carl Sagan looms large. It was Sagan's gift as a scientist, that he could explain science in simple terms, so that they are "understandable to a bar-maid"--he could make the cosmos relatable, in terms of fact, without losing any of its intrinsic wonder.
Sagan's novel "Contact" was its own Einstein-Rosen Bridge between Knowledge and Faith, science and religion. It is a zero-g flip that puts a person of science in the same position as a religious heretic—having to defend their Faith in something that has no evidence against the slings and arrows of the earthly Powers That Be who doubt her.
For Ellie Arroway, the scientist-protagonist of Contact, nothing is to be taken on Faith. It must be based on sound scientific principles as evidenced, tested and re-tested to similar conclusions, and then and only then is it an inviolable Fact or a Law. For her, religion is superstition, not provable. And yet she works for SETI in the search for extra-terrestrial intelligence, itself a cosmic leap of faith. She holds that the universe is too vast to not hold life like us. And if there is life, there must be evidence or residue or something that can reach us, tiny little speck that we are, in all that expansiveness (as if we were the center of the Universe—sound familiar?). But where's the proof? What evidence is there, except for the vastness of space, and the theory that if Life can make it here, it can make it a-ny-where.
"The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious."
Here's where it gets interesting, folks: Ellie is put in the position of being the one human being sent on an ET-designed spaceship to take her to meet its Makers, a journey that opens her eyes to the wonders of the Universe, that she embraces as a certainty, as she sees it, feels it, tests it. It is reality to her—but only to her. She returns to Earth, without a shred of evidence that she was ever gone for more than a split-second. No odometer reading, no frequent-flier miles,** no bumper-sticker that says "I've Been to the Blue-White Star Vega and All I Got was Grief"—"What happens in Vega, stays in Vega," there's only a mocking static on her recording gear. To the rest of the world, it never happened, and it can't be duplicated. She is the sole witness in a world of skeptics. And all she can do is testify her gospel.
This scene is from the hearing, in which Ellie is made to defend herself and her vision from a gallery of skeptics and doubting Thomases. All she has is her story that sounds incredible, and flies in the face of a concocted (and complicated) conspiracy theory. And her own scientific principles are used against her in prosecution, including "Occam's Razor," which favors simplicity over the complicated—an argument used between Arroway and her former lover, Porter Joss, in their philosophical pillow-talk.***
Foster is great in the role, and necessarily isolated—except for the dramatic philosophic difference, they didn't even need the Joss character. Her performance, especially in this scene, brings to mind another emotive performance that is a

In this way, Contact is a cosmological The Song of Bernadette backed by the music of the spheres. It is "Joan of Arc" where the stakes are not so life-threatening. It is where spiritual ecstasy (supplanting "the subjective perception of time, space and/or self") informs the objective observer, and where the cold facade of Science is grounded by the three cornerstones of religion—Faith, Hope and Love.
"Science without religion is lame. Religion without science is blind."
Albert Einstein
The Set-Up: The Universe seems to be collapsing around Dr. Eleanor Arroway (Jodie Foster). A leader in the SETI program, it was Ellie who first heard the throb from space—a consistent signal originating from the area of the distant sun Vega. The United States government and Arroway's patron S.R. Haddon (John Hurt) manage to decipher the signal as a cryptograph that is translated as the plans for an elaborate transport. But to what end?
An agnostic, Arroway is denied the mission to ride the transport for political and PR reasons, but Fate puts her in the passenger seat when the first attempt to launch the sphere from space. For her, it is a soul-bending trip through time and space. On Earth it appears that she just dropped through the machine, going nowhere.
The conflicting eyewitness reports demand the pomp and puffery of a government investigation, led by an ambitious political operative named Kitz (James Woods) and televised to a divided nation. In the gallery are the President's science advisor (Angela Bassett) and Arroway's former lover, the Reverend Porter Joss (Matthew McConaughey), as dedicated to his theology as Ellie is to her science.
Every corner of the cavernous Senate Chamber is jammed with media, politicians, onlookers. The world stage. The big show.
The International Committee is composed of eight men and two women, including Kitz. Occupying the center seat is the COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN, An Asian American Senator in his sixties.
Sitting all by herself at a long table opposite them, Ellie looks very small and alone.

that correct, Doctor?

ELLIE (a deep breath) Senator... I believe the machine opened up a wormhole.

Ellie hesitates. Looks up at Joss in the gallery. Then:

KITZ Now tell me something, doctor....

KITZ Well, I do think you've suffered some kind of episode, yeah. I do.

ELLIE Uh...You'd need a, a satellite to transmit the signal, but it'd be impossible to simulate something that...
KITZ You'd need a satellite...

KITZ S.R. Haddon.

KITZ Exactly. Now...

KITZ Wait a minute, let me get this straight.

Words by Ann Druyan & Carl Sagan, James V. Hart, and Michael Goldenberg.
Pictures by Don Burgess and Robert Zemeckis
Contact is available on DVD and Blu-Ray from Warner Home Video.
* The two are also joined as groups contemplating a construct vaster than themselves (and maybe vaster than they can contemplate) and attaching an explanation to it. The hilarity ensues when either side attempts to puff themselves up as having a greater grasp on Truth and that the other is diminished in some way by holding to their ideas—this in the face of their own insignificance. It's like playing "King of the Hill" for a pimple.
** With that many interstellar miles you get a gold-pressed latinum card. Suck it, George Clooney.
*** One of the unfortunate things about Contact is McConaughey's presence (or lack of it) in Contact. Still early in the young star's career, he isn't capable of projecting a strong character or piety in his role, nor do he and Foster have any chemistry. McConaughey has gotten much, much better, and would no doubt do a better job of it now. Here, his inexperience shows.
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